Fonction : Professeur UL
Département / Composante :
UFR Mathématiques Informatique Mécanique
UFR Mathématiques Informatique Mécanique
Équipe : Équations aux dérivées partielles
Coordonnées :
IECL – Site de Metz
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Bureau : UM-ARC-022
- S. Breteaux, M. Correggi, M. Falconi, J. Faupin, Quantum Point Charges Interacting with Quasi-classical Electromagnetic Fields, arXiv:2407.18600, (2024).
Preprint. - S. Breteaux, J. Faupin and V. Grasselli, On the number of bound states for fractional Schrödinger operators with critical and super-critical exponent, arXiv:2405.01903, (2024).
Preprint. - S. Breteaux, J. Faupin and J. Payet, Quasi-classical Ground States. II. Standard model of non-relativistic QED, to appear in Ann. Institut Fourier, (2024).
Published articles
- S. Breteaux, J. Faupin, M. Lemm, D.H. Ou Yang, I.M. Sigal and J. Zhang, Light cone for open quantum systems in the continuum, Rev. Math. Phys., 36, 2460004, (2024).
Preprint - J. Faupin and N. Frantz, Spectral decomposition of some non-self-adjoint operators, Ann. Henri Lebesgue, 6, 1115-1167, (2023).
Preprint. - S. Breteaux, J. Faupin and J. Payet, Quasi-classical Ground States. I. Linearly Coupled Pauli-Fierz Hamiltonians, Doc. Math., 28, 1191-1233, (2023).
Preprint. - J. Arbunich, J. Faupin, F. Pusateri and I.M. Sigal, Maximal Speed of Quantum Propagation for the Hartree Equation, Commun. Partial Differ. Equations, 48, 542-575, (2023).
Preprint. - J. Dereziński and J. Faupin, Perturbed Bessel operators. Boundary conditions and closed realizations, J. Funct. Anal., 284, 109728, 85pp, (2023).
Preprint. - S. Breteaux, J. Faupin, M. Lemm and I.M. Sigal, Maximal speed of propagation in open quantum systems., Frank, Rupert L. (ed.) et al., The physics and mathematics of Elliott Lieb. The 90th anniversary. Volume I. Berlin: European Mathematical Society (EMS), 109-130, (2022).
Preprint - J. Faupin, M. Lemm and I.M. Sigal, On Lieb-Robinson bounds for the Bose-Hubbard model, Comm. Math. Phys., 394, 1011-1037, (2022).
Preprint - J. Faupin, M. Lemm and I.M. Sigal, Maximal speed for macroscopic particle transport in the Bose-Hubbard model, Phys. Rev. Lett., 128, 150602, (2022).
Preprint - J. Faupin, Generic nature of asymptotic completeness in dissipative scattering theory, Rev. Math. Phys., 33, 2060001, 23 pp, (2021).
Preprint - J. Dereziński, J. Faupin, Q.N. Nguyen, S. Richard, On radial Schrödinger operators with a Coulomb potential: General boundary conditions, Adv. Op. Theor., 5, 1132-1192, (2020).
Preprint - M. Ballesteros, D.-A. Deckert, J. Faupin and F. Hänle, One-Boson Scattering Processes in the Massive Spin-Boson Model, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 489, 124094, 44 pp., (2020).
Preprint - B. Alvarez and J. Faupin, Scattering theory for mathematical models of the weak interaction, Rev. Math. Phys., 32, 2050002, 80 pp., (2020).
Preprint - J. Faupin and F. Nicoleau, Scattering matrices for dissipative quantum systems, J. Funct. Anal., 277, 3062-3097, (2019).
Preprint - B. Alvarez, J. Faupin and J.-C. Guillot, Hamiltonian models of interacting fermion fields in Quantum Field Theory, Lett. Math. Phys., 109, 2403-2437, (2019).
[preprint] - J.-M. Barbaroux, J. Faupin and J.-C. Guillot, Local Decay for Weak Interactions with Massless Particles, J. Spectr. Theory, 9, 453-512, (2019).
[preprint] - J. Faupin and J. Fröhlich, Asymptotic completeness in dissipative scattering theory, Adv. Math., 340, 300-362, (2018).
Preprint - S. De Bièvre, J. Faupin and B. Schubnel, Spectral Analysis of a Model for Quantum Friction, Rev. Math. Phys., 29, 1750019, (2017).
Preprint - M. Falconi, J. Faupin, J. Fröhlich and B. Schubnel, Scattering Theory for Lindblad Master Equations, Comm. Math. Phys., 350, 1185-1218, (2017).
Preprint - J.-M. Barbaroux, J. Faupin and J.-C. Guillot, Spectral theory near thresholds for weak interactions with massive particles, J. Spectr. Theory, 6, 505-555, (2016).
Preprint - J. Faupin, J. Fröhlich and B. Schubnel, On the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics and the notion of closed systems, Ann. Henri Poincaré, 17, 689-731, (2016).
Preprint - M. Ballesteros, J. Faupin, J. Fröhlich and B. Schubnel, Quantum electrodynamics of atomic resonances, Comm. Math. Phys., 337, 633-668, (2015).
Preprint - J. Faupin, J. Fröhlich and B. Schubnel, Analyticity of the self-energy in total momentum of an atom coupled to the quantized radiation field, J. Funct. Anal., 267, 4139-4196, (2014).
Preprint - J. Faupin and I.M. Sigal, Minimal photon velocity bounds in non-relativistc quantum electrodynamics, J. Stat. Phys., 154, 58-90, (2014).
Preprint - J. Faupin and I.M. Sigal, On Rayleigh scattering in non-relativistic quantum electrodynamics, Comm. Math. Phys., 328, 1199-1254, (2014).
Preprint - L. Amour and J. Faupin, Inverse spectral results in Sobolev spaces for the AKNS operator with partial informations on the potentials, Inverse Probl. Imaging, 7, 1115-1122, (2013).
Preprint - V. Bach, T. Chen, J. Faupin, J. Fröhlich and I.M. Sigal, Effective dynamics of an electron coupled to an external potential in non-relativistic QED, Ann. Henri Poincaré, 14, 1573-1597, (2013).
Preprint - L. Amour and J. Faupin, Hyperfine splitting in non-relativistic QED: Uniqueness of the dressed hydrogen atom ground state, Comm. Math. Phys., 319, 425-450, (2013).
Preprint - J.-F. Bony, J. Faupin and I.M. Sigal, Maximal velocity of photons in non-relativistic QED. Adv. Math., 231, 3054-3078, (2012).
Preprint - J.-F. Bony and J. Faupin, Resolvent smoothness and local decay at low energies for the standard model of non-relativistic QED, J. Funct. Anal., 262, 850-888, (2012).
Preprint - T. Chen, J. Faupin, J. Fröhlich and I.M. Sigal, Local Decay in Non-relativistic QED, Comm. Math. Phys., 309, 543-583, (2012).
Preprint - W.H. Aschbacher, J.-M. Barbaroux, J. Faupin, and J.-C. Guillot, Spectral theory for a mathematical model of the weak interaction: The decay of the intermediate vector bosons W+/-. II, Ann. Henri Poincaré, 12, 1539-1570, (2011).
Preprint - L. Amour and J. Faupin, Hyperfine Splitting of the Dressed Hydrogen Atom Ground State in Non-relativistic QED, Rev. Math. Phys., 23, 553-574, (2011).
Preprint - J. Faupin, J.S. Møller and E. Skibsted, Second order perturbation theory for embedded eigenvalues, Comm. Math. Phys., 306, 193-228, (2011).
Preprint - J. Faupin, J.S. Møller and E. Skibsted, Regularity of bound states, Rev. Math. Phys., 23, 453-530, (2011).
Preprint - L. Amour and J. Faupin, Inverse spectral results for the Schrödinger operator in Sobolev spaces, Int. Math. Res. Not., 22, 4319-4333, (2010).
Preprint - L. Amour, J. Faupin and T. Raoux, Inverse Spectral Results for Schrödinger Operators on the Unit Interval with Partial Informations Given on the Potentials, J. Math. Phys., 50, 033505, (2009).
Preprint - W.K. Abou Salem, J. Faupin, J. Fröhlich and I.M. Sigal, On the Theory of Resonances in Non-Relativistic QED and Related Models, Adv. in Appl. Math., 43, 201-230, (2009).
Preprint - L. Amour, J. Faupin, B. Grébert and J-C. Guillot, On the Infrared Problem for the Dressed Non-Relativistic Electron in a Magnetic Field, Contemp. Math., 500, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1-24, (2009).
Preprint - L. Amour, J. Faupin, B. Grébert and J-C. Guillot, Le problème infrarouge pour l’électron habillé non relativiste dans un champ magnétique, C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, Ser. I, 346, 1045-1050, (2008).
Preprint - J. Faupin, Resonances of the Confined Hydrogen Atom and the Lamb-Dicke Effect in Non-Relativistic QED, Ann. Henri Poincaré, 9, no 4, 743-773, (2008).
Preprint - L. Amour and J. Faupin, The confined hydrogenoïd ion in non-relativistic quantum electrodynamics, Cubo Math. J., 9, no 2, 103-137, (2007).
Preprint - L. Amour and J. Faupin, L’ion hydrogénoïde piégé en électrodynamique quantique non relativiste, C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, Ser. I, 343, 27-30, (2006).
- J.-M. Barbaroux, J. Faupin and J.-C. Guillot, Spectral properties for Hamiltonians of weak interactions, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., 254, (2016).
Preprint - L. Amour and J. Faupin, On the Existence of a Ground State for the Confined Hydrogen Atom in Non-Relativistic QED, Proceedings of the Joint Physics/Mathematics Workshop on Quantum Few-Body Systems, Aarhus, Denmark, 19-20 March 2007, AIP Conference Proceedings, 998, 30-42, (2008).
- J. Faupin, L’ion hydrogénoïde confiné en électrodynamique quantique non relativiste. Effet Lamb-Dicke, Thèse de l’Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne, (2007). pdf
- J. Faupin, Contributions à l’analyse mathématique de modèles issus de la théorie quantique des champs, Habilitation à diriger les recherches, Université Bordeaux 1, (2012). pdf
- Dissipative quantum systems: scattering theory and spectral singularities, pdf
- Asymptotic completeness in dissipative scattering theory, pdf
- On Scattering theory for Lindblad operators pdf
- On Quantum Electrodynamics of atomic resonances, pdf
- Estimations de la vitesse de propagation des photons et complétude asymptotique, pdf
- On spectral renormalization group and the theory of resonances in non-relativistic QED, pdf
- On second order perturbation theory for embedded eigenvalues, pdf
- Analyse spectrale du modèle de l’électron habillé en QED non relativiste, pdf
- Résonances et temps de vie des états métastables en QED non relativiste, pdf